Full Vendor boot Space
1. $150 large 8’ X 8’ Booth space, table and a half page in the show program and next magazine issue
2. The vendor will be responsible for their setup and clean up. The show will provide only the table space acquired.
3. Vendors will be responsible for manning their own booths. The show will not be responsible for your items
4. All booth specific need must be finalized by march1st (unless other arrangements have been made)
5. The organization has agreed to provide Elevation fashion show with its company logo in a high resolution for promotional purposes during the Fashion Show and corresponding material, and events.
•Will receive ¼ page of ad space in the program. You will be responsible for your ad layout it must be (4.25W X 5.5H 300Res.) and received no later than March 10th 2016
•Will receive 1/2 page of ad space in the program. You will be responsible for your ad layout it must be (8.5W X 5.5H 300Res.) and received no later than March 10th 2016
•All items to be shown must be presented at show call time the morning of the show
•We are asking everyone to post an invite on their Facebook, twitter, and other social media
(Please print your receipt for proof of payment final packet information will be sent to you upon payment.)